Monday, September 22, 2008

ID3 - Class 2 Links

TITLE: Design Chapel
Comments: These guys are my idols. They effortlessly navigate the realm of POP Culture and have a great design aesthetic. Not only does it document design process but highlights design as lifestyle.
Click here to view

TITLE: DIOR MEN's Cosmetics
Comments: I think we can all agree that this was the SITE OF THE DAY. Nuff said.
Click here to watch

TITLE: Art of the Title
Comments: For obvious reasons, this site rocks. This blogger rocks. Please remember that these sequences are more than just eye candy. They are excellent studies in Narrative, Aesthetic, Art, Creativity, Audio/Music and Storytelling. ENJOY!!!
Click here to view

Comments: What a marvelous example of Concept and the wonder of New Media
Click here to view

TITLE: Search Me
Comments: Visual Search Engine
Click here to use

TITLE: Vault49
Comments: Nice collection of slick work. Not too crazy about the navigation
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TITLE: A List Apart
Comments: A nice resource of writings pertaining to Design
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TITLE: Zen Habits
Comments: This resource has a ton of links to help your life. Some good and some bad, so please take your time.
Click here to use

TITLE: Emily Carr Design Grads Blog
Comments: What the heck. We're all sharing the same web. If you get a sec, read their design journals to see what they're up to. We're all in this together.
Click here to view

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