Thursday, October 2, 2008

ID3 - Class 4 Links

Title: Coke Zero Game
Comments: Created by Design Chapel. Amazing combination of Sound, Pop Culture, Video, Artistry, ect.
Click here to visit the site

Title: Making of Get the Glass
Comments: Shows the process of creating the campaign. Another award winner from DC. The Design Chapel blog also contains the making of the "Coke Zero Game" as well.
Click here to check it out

Title: Gears of War Video Game Trailer
Comments: Beautiful, mysterious, compelling and engaging. And it's a frikin videogame!!!!
Click here to check it out

Title: "Get a Girlfriend" Axe Commercial
Comments: Compelling to watch but you don't really get it until the end.

Title: VW GTI "Uber" cool Ad
Comments: I love how CP took the problem and really capitalized. Overall, really funny campaign.

Title: Axe Gamekillers Campaign
Comments: Wow - what an amazing campaign. Such a strong core concept and wonderful implementation into each deliverable/touchpoint. Enjoy.

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