Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Shoe Box Project

Due class 12
Last week you were assigned a particular shoe.
Determine the specific target market for these shoes and build a mood / inspiration DIORAMA (using a shoe box) that:
- examines what shoes mean metaphorically/emotionally to your group
- examines your target market groups level of environmental awareness
- shows the status symbols of your target market
- visual language that appeals to your target market

Decide whether or not you will eliminate, re-purpose, replace or re-design your shoe’s box

Prepare to present your diorama and concepts for a new shoebox solution Class 6
Concept can be presented a sketches, as mockup, or simply as a conversation.

ALIZA - Simple Shoes
GREG - Converse Allstars
KELLY - Blundstone Boots
BINDU - Robeez Baby Shoes
TONY - Stuart Weitzman Shoes
EUGENE - Irregular Choice Shoes

Thursday, November 6, 2008

ID3 - Class 8

Assignment 1 - Vancouver on Tap

Working with your Super Hero group come up with 3 or more initiatives to promote the idea of drinking municipal water. You will be assigned a specific target market group. Use tonight's class time to brainstorm ideas and approach with your group. 60 - 90 minutes will be allotted at the beginning of next class to bring your additional ideas, thumbnails, materials together, and prepare yourselves to excite us with your presentation.

A useful link:


ID3 - Classes 7 - 12

Welcome to the 3D and Packaging portion of ID3.
Please contact me - Cindy Sheldan - your instructor at:
604 617-8415
604 874 9363 x 116

Thursday, October 2, 2008

ID3 - Class 4 Links

Title: Coke Zero Game
Comments: Created by Design Chapel. Amazing combination of Sound, Pop Culture, Video, Artistry, ect.
Click here to visit the site

Title: Making of Get the Glass
Comments: Shows the process of creating the campaign. Another award winner from DC. The Design Chapel blog also contains the making of the "Coke Zero Game" as well.
Click here to check it out

Title: Gears of War Video Game Trailer
Comments: Beautiful, mysterious, compelling and engaging. And it's a frikin videogame!!!!
Click here to check it out

Title: "Get a Girlfriend" Axe Commercial
Comments: Compelling to watch but you don't really get it until the end.

Title: VW GTI "Uber" cool Ad
Comments: I love how CP took the problem and really capitalized. Overall, really funny campaign.

Title: Axe Gamekillers Campaign
Comments: Wow - what an amazing campaign. Such a strong core concept and wonderful implementation into each deliverable/touchpoint. Enjoy.

ID3 Project Brief

Create a heightened experience to sell a product (through EMOTION, FUNCTION = VALUE)
Sell an ordinary object using New Media as your vehicle
Sell an ordinary product through a heightened experience

PROBLEM: Not enough teens are eating fruits (bananas, apples, oranges) these days. They're eating too much candy.

SOLUTION: Get kids to eat more fruits (specifically your given fruit)

Choose 1 of 3 different fruits that are all competing to be eaten
· List all the advantages/disadvantages
· Consider all other fruits competition
· Students will work in groups of 2: get one fruit

· Create a New Media driven campaign that will make your fruit irresistable to the target demographic (cool, tasty, awesome). Can your experience prove to be valuable and memorable.
· You have all the tools of New Media at your disposal (Web, Video, Audio, Viral Marketing) to create this fantastic, innovative experience.
· Remember the definition of New Media
· The sky is the limit. You have no budget. We will celebrate innovation, the cool and the fantastic! You have the best programmers at your disposal.

· Tweens and Teens
- Research strategies:
· What are kids into these days? How can we connect with them?

October 2:
- Get in your pairs and develop a strategy for the next 2 weeks
- Write down everything you know about this topic
- Immediately brainstorm 3-6 assumptions/ideas/ways of tackling/selling this problem
- After class, post to the blog

October 9:
- Research and validate your ideas that you generated in class
- Develop another 3 solid ideas/concepts
- Have all your research and develop posted on the blog before class (otherwise late)
- Class at my place next week (so we can use computers)
- Have multiple ideas (IN SKETCH FORM) generated and ready to present in class (NARRATIVE)
- Either on the process template or on screen (present a suitable narrative)

October 16th:
- Have all your developments posted on the blog before class
- Present refined visuals of your concept (to be determined with instructor)
- Hand in your process books

1. Successful completion of all required elements (all essential elements have been CLEARLY laid out in the previous section). Failure to complete any of these required elements will result in the loss of marks.
2. The ability to make proper decisions regarding major issues addressed in class lectures. These issues include; ideation, conceptualization, storyboarding and research
3. Students will also receive marks for their participation in in-class critiques and professionalism when presenting their own project.
4. Students will be graded on how well they can stay on task throughout the duration of their project schedule. Failure to meet any of the class deadlines will result in a loss of marks.
5. Instructor has the right to give separate marks to each student within the pairing based on their individual performance/participation

Successful completion of all element: 15
Participation/Effort in class and brainstorming: 35
Blue Sky Creativity: 30
All aspects of presentation (in-class, blog and speaking): 20

Total 100

Monday, September 22, 2008

ID3 - Book List

Here are 4 books that should keep you all busy for the term. These are just a few books that I will be referring to over the next 6 weeks.

TITLE: Daniel H. Pink: A Whole New Mind
Comments: This is a creative must read for our new modern times (at least in my opinion). Pink offers a new foothold for creativity for us all.

TITLE: Bill Buxton: Sketching User Experiences
Comments: This book is great for all creative designers in New Media. However, New Media or not, it's a really useful book.

TITLE: John Maeda: The Laws of Simplicity
Comments: This book won't take too long to read, but contains principles that I use in both my professional and personal life. Meada is a very influential force in the realm of New Media.

TITLE: Bill Moggridge: Designing Interactions
Comments: Mr. M has seen it all through the ups and downs of the development of Microsoft and Apple. Lots of great guest interviews/case studies. Also a nice DVD at the back.

ID3 - Class 2 Links

TITLE: Design Chapel
Comments: These guys are my idols. They effortlessly navigate the realm of POP Culture and have a great design aesthetic. Not only does it document design process but highlights design as lifestyle.
Click here to view

TITLE: DIOR MEN's Cosmetics
Comments: I think we can all agree that this was the SITE OF THE DAY. Nuff said.
Click here to watch

TITLE: Art of the Title
Comments: For obvious reasons, this site rocks. This blogger rocks. Please remember that these sequences are more than just eye candy. They are excellent studies in Narrative, Aesthetic, Art, Creativity, Audio/Music and Storytelling. ENJOY!!!
Click here to view

Comments: What a marvelous example of Concept and the wonder of New Media
Click here to view

TITLE: Search Me
Comments: Visual Search Engine
Click here to use

TITLE: Vault49
Comments: Nice collection of slick work. Not too crazy about the navigation
Click here to use

TITLE: A List Apart
Comments: A nice resource of writings pertaining to Design
Click here to use

TITLE: Zen Habits
Comments: This resource has a ton of links to help your life. Some good and some bad, so please take your time.
Click here to use

TITLE: Emily Carr Design Grads Blog
Comments: What the heck. We're all sharing the same web. If you get a sec, read their design journals to see what they're up to. We're all in this together.
Click here to view

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Class2 Outline

· Show them how to setup GMAIL ACCOUNT and Delicious accounts
· Show them Google DOCS
· Show sexy Media rich sites/clips
· Show them something from

645 - 700 - 830
· Lecture

830-845 Break

845 - 900-1000
· Hand out the assignment
· Present their websites
· Break down websites that we like
· Go through sites that they found and from the list that I give them
· Class discussion/critique
· Start with one each (5-7 each)

· They will need to quickly assess+develop research strategies
· Homework: Students will go out post to their 1st blog posts
· What they found that week (post and links)

SETUP a GMAIL Account (breakdown what tools they have at their disposal)
· Exchange Emails

· Post their findings and strategies from the assignment
· They need to email each other their blog URLS on the side

· Post the links that you found

Friday, September 12, 2008

ID3 - Class 1 Links

Hey guys,

As promised, here are a lot of the key links that I couldn't show you due to lack of an internet connection. I've already sent Dr. G and email about it.

Title: Jeff Han - Touchscreen
Comments: Just watch - can't wait to design an interface for this technology. It's already starting to become available.
Click here to watch

Title: Web 1.0 vs. 2.0
Comments: A simple, lo-fi understanding of 2.0 vs 1.0
Click here to watch

Title: What is Web 2.0
Comments: A very nerdy, but informative way of learning about 2.0
Click here to watch

Title: The WEB is using us
Comment: More entertaining - a nice piece
Click here to watch

Title: Cirque Du Soleil - Casting Site
Comments: Really solid site with a purpose. It's function is to inspire and motivate
Click here to watch

Title: Sartorialist
Comments: This is that guy who goes all over the world and takes pictures of really stylish people. Addictive.
Click here

Comments: Just go there
Click here

Title: Innocentive
Comments: The Wiki site that shares medical information to cure ailments.
Click here

Title: Halo 3
Comments: Make sure you have a good internet connection. Beautiful.
Click here

Title: Wired article on Halo 3
Comments: This article talks about how they design the new game. really interesting stuff.
Click here

Title: Sony Universe
Comments: Another Media Rich site. Beautiful as well.
Click here

ID3 - Course Outline

New Media/Creative Interface Design+Spatial Applications
Instructors: Tak Yukawa and Cindy Sheldon
Duration: First 6 weeks = Tak Final 6 weeks = Cindy
Start Date: Thursday, September 11, 2008
Break: Thursday, October 23, 2008
End Date: Thursday, December 5, 2008

Students will learn how to create meaningful interface driven by solid, meaningful CONCEPTS and strong NARRATIVE. They will learn how to create memorable, uplifting interactive/new media EXPERIENCES that are balanced with successful usability practice. From commercial to private life, students will learn the role that NEW MEDIA is playing in all realms of SOCIETY. Time will be spent discussing the on-screen application and psychology of a computer user in ISOLATION and in the WEB 2.0 COMMUNITY

By the end of this course, students should be able to:
- Conduct effective RESEARCH to satisfy particular project goals
- Effectively ANALYZE and PROCESS collected data into useful creative tangents
- Translate conceptual ideas into EFFECTIVE interface/new media design
- PREPARE and PRESENT their designs with confidence and professionalism
- Speak with confidence about the basics of a graphical user interface design (GUI)

Required Supplies:
- Sketchbook
- Drawing pencils
- Fine line ballpoint pens and different sized multi-tip black markers (Sharpie)
- A minimum of 3 different color Highlighters
- Other sketching tools may be required during the course (ie: Pencil, Markers, and Papers), and will be determined by the student’s comfort level, preference or by instructor request.
- A computer and Adobe Creative Suite Programs (Primarily Illustrator and Photoshop)
- Memory Card/Key for digital files (ideally 1 gig)

Week 1 (4 hrs)
· What is NEW MEDIA?
· Relationship between New Media and INTERACTIVITY
· WEB 2.0 + COMMUNITY Based Design
· How is the CORPORATE World using these elements
· Cyclical Narrative to this class parallel to NEW MEDIA (visual-practical-visual)

Week 2 (4 hrs)
· Explain the CREATIVE PROCESS (systematic thinking)
· Explain the GAME of NEW DESIGN
· Knowledge is power - translates to good design
· METHODS for conducting Strategic Research in relation to New Media
· Expose them to RESOURCES and places to get information and get inspiration in the context of New Media
· How to properly ANALYZE research findings (sorting, moodboarding)
· Introduce BLOGGING as a tool for process collection

Week 3
· Review/Define a CONCEPT/IDEA
· Talk about A Whole New Mind (Information Age is now the CONCEPTUAL AGE)
· Review what a SOLID concept can do for your WEBSITE or NEW MEDIA application
· Show websites with no concept and some with (advantages/disadvantages)
· How to create UNIQUE and MEMORABLE experiences (what constitutes one)
· Explain the realities of production and technical possibilities/limitations in relation to the process
· How to GENERATE ideas/concepts
· Present IDEATION and BRAINSTORMING techniques?
· The power of LATERAL-VERTICAL THINKING (present different techniques)

Week 4
· How to TRANSLATE solid concept into interface
· FUNDAMENTALS of an INTERFACE that always need to be addressed
· CONTEXT and PARAMETERS within a project #2
· The POWER of VISUALS in New Media (trust, recognition, experience, mood, preference)

Week 5
· VISUAL application and considerations regarding experience
· BRANDING the User Experience
· The POWER of visuals in New Media (trust, recognition, experience, mood, preference)
· Visual IMPLEMENTATION (vertical/lateral thinking in this area)
· Present the Laws of Simplicity (Maeda)
· How much is too much? How to edit down
· Don't be self-serving (Apple Cube)
· Have you satisfied your CLIENT NEEDS?

Week 6
Final Class

ID3 - Welcome

Hi everyone and welcome to my Langara instruction blog?

OK - so last class was crazy. In the hopes of making my lack of visuals up to you, I have posted a lot of the relevant links up in another post. I will post more general/useful links on the side modules.

Your course outline will be available in the next post.

TIP: To quickly find things in the future, just browse the archive list on the top right hand side of this blog.

More exciting posts to come.